Friday, October 19, 2012

Newborn Portrait Session - baby girl.

Little Chloe was just 10 days old when she came in for her Platinum Newborn Portrait Session. An absolutely perfect baby girl, sleepy, gorgeous and happy for to be posed. She was so good, I was brave enough to try out something new - I wanted to have her sleeping in a basket. Yep, I know nothing new about that...but I wanted to turn the basket on it's side and have her curled up in there.

Her mum had brought with her the most beautiful baby blanket and I really like to use something of their own in their portraits. The result is the first portrait in the series below and I named the pose after her, it is now officially called (well around here anyway!) The Chloe.

Surely, that is just a hint of a smile...isn't it?

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